In December 2020, Otgon Soum located in Zavkhan Aimag recorded coldest temperature in the entire country.
According to the National Statistics Office, minimum temperature in Otgon Soum was -49.6 degree Celsius in Dec-2020.
End of December-2020, cold wave intensified in most parts of the country with covering snow in more than 60 percent of the region.
More than 20cm of snow fall in Altai, Khangai, Khentii, Khuvsgul, Kharkhiraa Turgen Mountains and Khan Khukh Mountain Range.
10 to 20cm of snow fall in Uvs Davst, Khuvsgul Tsagaan-Uur, Ulaan-Uul, Renchin-Ikhumbe, Bayankhongor Galuut, Uvurkhangai Burd, Bulgan Mogod, Sukuhbaatar Asgat and Erdenetsagaan.