Visa Fee



Service type

Fee (MNT)
1 ‘Entry’ Visa Single 54 000
Double 81 000
2 ‘Re-Entry’ Visa Single 54 000
Double 81 000
3 ‘Transit’ Visa Single 36 000
Double 72 000
Multiple 96 000
4 Multiple Visa Up to 6 months 126 000
Up to 1 year 252 000
5 Single and double re-entry visa for foreign nationals and stateless person with registry number and personal record 18 000
6 Visa transfer and separation 16 000
7 Change of Visa classification 36 000
8 Visa Extension First 7 days 27 000
Each day from 7th day 3 600
9 Visa permit /per person/ 1 000
10 Personal invitation /per person/ 1 000
11 Reservation of the invitation
12 Registration /per person/ 1 000
13 Issuing residence permit for
foreign national and stateless person.
For official and personal matter 60 000
For student, research and internship 12 500
14 Extending residence card of the
foreign nationals and stateless person
41 000
15 Issuing residence card for
foreign nationals and stateless person
17 700
16 Issuing travel document for
stateless person
12 800
17 Issuing new residence card for
foreign nationals and stateless person in case of lost and damaged
46 500
18 Changing details of the
residence card /per detail/
6 000
19 Issuing registration number and
record basic records of the foreign nationals and stateless person
1 200
20 To make note of the travel
record of the foreign national and stateless person who have basic
records and registration number
1 000
21 Issuing countryside travel
documents for the foreign nationals and stateless person
1 000
22 Certificate regarding the
foreign national
1 000
23 Renunciation of citizenship,
acquisition of citizenship and   restoring citizenship
60 000
24 Allowing and issuing certificate
for the International and foreign non-governmental organization and
representative office
900 000
25 Extending certificate of the
International and foreign non-governmental organization and
representative office
360 000
26 Re-issuing certificate for the
International and foreign non-governmental organization and
representative office
60 000