Citizens with Ordinary/Regular Passports of 59 Countries can enter and stay in Mongolia through Visa Free of 14 to 90 Days. VISA FREE DAYS FOR ORDINARY/REGULAR PASSPORTS No Country Visa Free Days Implemented / Remarks 1 Argentina 90 2018.02.19 2 Australia 30 2023.01.04 3 Austria 30 2023.01.04 4 Belarus 90 2013.09.04 5 Belgium 30 2023.01.04 6 Brazil 90 2015.09.21 7 Bulgaria 30 2023.01.04 8 Canada 30 2014.01.01 9 Chile 90 2018.12.29 10 Croatia 30 2023.01.04 11 Cuba 30 2001.10.08 12 Cyprus 30 2023.01.04 13 Czech Republic 30 2023.01.04 14 Denmark 30 2023.01.04 15 Ecuador 30 2020.10.23 16 Estonia 30 2023.01.04 17 Finland 30 2023.01.04 18 France 30 2023.01.04 19 Germany 30 2013.09.01 20 Greece 30 2023.01.04 21 Hong Kong SAR (China) 14 1998.06.18 22 Hungary 30 2023.01.04 23 Iceland 30 2023.01.04 24 Ireland 30 2023.01.04 25 Israel 30 1996.03.12 26 Italy 30 2023.01.04 27 Japan 30 2010.04.01 28 Kazakhstan 90 1994.12.02 29 Kyrgyzstan 90 1999.12.04 30 Laos 30 2007.09.14 31 Latvia 30 2023.01.04 32 Liechtenstein 30 2023.01.04 33 Lithuania 30 2023.01.04 34 Luxembourg 30 2023.01.04 35 Macau SAR (China) 90 2004.07.03 36 Malaysia 30 1994.06.06 37 Malta 30 2023.01.04 38 Monaco 30 2023.01.04 39 Netherlands 30 2023.01.04 40 New […]
Below are reasons for deportation of a foreign national from Mongolia 1. Entered the county with invalid or forged documents (5 years of ban); 2. Not leaving the country after their visa and residence permit expired (1-3 years of ban); 3. Short-term visitor violated visa and registration regulation more than two times (1 year of ban); 4. Conducted activities prohibited by Article 13 of the Law on Controlling the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (10 years of ban); 5. Diagnosed with mental illness by health care provider(10 years of ban); 6. Obtained a visa or residence permit using forged documents, or forged/edited a visa or residence permit (5 years of ban). 7. Employed without permission from competent authority (3 years of ban); 8. Conducted activity other than the purpose of visit (3 years of ban); 9. Ignored deportation warning(1 year of ban); 10. If a proposal was submitted by the police regarding a foreigner who violated the social order two or more times and was held liable in accordance with the law. 11.The relevant authorities considered him to be a potential opponent of the national security of Mongolia 12. A foreign national convicted by a court has completed […]
In accordance with article 27 section 27.3 of Law on legal status of foreign nationals – Based on National Police Agency and General Intelligence Agency`s recommendation; – Violated visa, registration, residency regulation more than 2 times; – Operated illegal activities in Mongolia; – Forged and edited visa or permission which issued by authorities; – Failed to issue a residence permit on the grounds of revocation of a passport or a document substituting for it by a competent authority of the respective State, or revocation of a previously issued permit or refusal to extend the permit. The state administrative body in charge of foreign nationals shall warn the foreign citizen to leave the country voluntarily.
Work Visa C7 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Agriculture Sector (Хөдөө аж ахуй, газар тариалангийн салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of Mongolia 21 days after […]
Work Visa C6 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Manufacturing and Service Industry (Үйлдвэрлэл, үйлчилгээний салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of Mongolia 21 days after entering the […]
Work Visa C5 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the field of Culture and Sports (Соёл урлаг, спортын салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of Mongolia 21 days […]
Work Visa C4 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Financial, Economic and Legal Sector (Санхүү, эдийн засаг, эрх зүйн салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of Mongolia […]
Work Visa C3 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Geology, Mining, Oil & Energy Sector (Геологи, уул уурхай, газрын тос, эрчим хүчний салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration […]
Work Visa C2 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Science, Education and Information Technology Sector (Шинжлэх ухаан, боловсрол, мэдээллийн технологийн салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of […]
Work Visa C1 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Construction, Roads, Bridges or other Construction Sector (Барилга угсралт, зам, гүүр, бүтээн байгуулалтын салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required : Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, employment need in Mongolia) Original copy of official request and other documents used in visa permission application Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration […]
Work Visa C8 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Health Sector (Эрүүл мэндийн салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of Mongolia 21 days after entering the country […]
Work Visa C9 – Foreign National who is intended to work in the Humanitarian Sector (Хүмүүнлэгийн салбарт ажиллахаар ирэх гадаадын иргэн) Documents Required: Official request letter by inviting organization and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration of stay, type of employment in Mongolia) Original copy of documents used in visa permission application (including official request letter) Copy of passport or relevant valid substitute (must be valid for a minimum of 180 days before your intended travel to Mongolia) Work permit by labor and welfare service authority Address statement by local sum, khoroo`s authority Other necessary documents Receipt of payment Application form Letter of proxy is needed If someone is applying on behalf of their organization and work ID Processing Time: Standard- 5 working days Expedite- 3 working days Processing Fees: Recipient name: “Гадаадын иргэн, ХГазар” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 1320000052 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person Standard- 135.000₮, Expedite- 255.000₮ Residence Card Fee: Recipient name: “АВЕРС СЕКЬЮРИТИ ХХК” Recipient account: Golomt bank- 2205140728 Transaction description: Residency permit for 1 person 21.000₮ Card fee – 21.000₮ Notice: Foreign national must apply for a residency permit at Immigration Agency of Mongolia 21 days after entering the country Bring […]